2 Lesson about Going Pro From Asmir Begovic

You may have heard that Asmir Begovic signed for AC Milan.

What you may not know, is that Begovic grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I actually played with him for a few years while we were both part of the Alberta Provincal Youth Team.

Every young player can learn some valuable lessons from Begovic’s rise to the top levels of professional football.

  1. Act while you’re young.

    Yes, it’s possible to become a professional when you’re older. However, the longer you wait. The harder it becomes. Take risks when you are young – you will never regret trying and in the worst case you will gain priceless experience.

  2. Passports matter.

    Your family’s heritage will increase your chances of playing football in different countries. There are restrictions and expenses included when clubs sign foreign players. The good news? You can usually get a passport if your grandparents / parents have foreign citizenship.

These are just two ideas that may help you on your journey.

Obviously, you need to be “good enough” to play at the top level but you must also take action.

Don’t wait for anything to happen.
Make it happen.


If you’ve ever said –

“I want to earn a college scholarship”
“I want to play professional football one day”
“I want to make it to the next-level”

Watch this video: How to ask professional players, FIFA agents, head coaches, and pro scouts the questions that really matter.

Dylan Tooby

Success should not be judged based on what you achieve but by what you help others achieve. Hopefully, this information will help you. Thank you for reading. Please, leave a comment.