Common Mistake Soccer Players Make

As someone who has played soccer for many years, I’ve noticed a common mistake that many soccer players make: not being aggressive enough on the field.

It’s one of the most common soccer mistakes that can hinder a player’s performance and negatively impact the team’s chances of winning. In fact, mistakes in soccer are inevitable, but not being aggressive enough is one that is completely avoidable.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, it’s important to understand the significance of aggression in soccer. Being aggressive doesn’t mean being violent or aggressive towards other players; rather, it means having the determination, focus, and the willingness to compete with a strong mindset.

In this blog post, I’ll dive into why being aggressive is essential in soccer, how to develop an aggressive mindset, and the benefits of doing so.

I’ll share tips on how to become a more aggressive player, without crossing the line, and make a significant impact on the field. So, let’s get started and learn how to overcome one of the most common mistakes soccer players make to become a better player!

mistakes soccer players make

Mistakes Soccer Players Make (AGGRESSION)

What are you afraid of? Why aren’t you getting more involved in the play? Why are you getting pushed off the ball so easily? Where is your fight? Where is your desire?

Don’t worry…

If you’re currently struggling with a lack of aggression or intensity, this can literally be fixed overnight!

However, you need to own up to this problem and make a commitment to finally change this career damaging behavior forever.

If you do… 

I promise your game will transform this week!

Being aggressive is not a technical skill. 

It’s a mindset.

That means, if you can take on a new mindset. You can literally become a whole different type of player today.

I used to be the type of player who was shy and timid. I would easily get knocked off the ball, lose my individual battles, didn’t’ get involved in the play, and let my team down countless times.

I watched other players with less technical skill steal the show. It had nothing to do with how good they were on the ball. It had everything to do with their attitude.

Before you can change…. 

You must first understand the consequences of choosing to not be aggressive (because it is a choice you’ve been making up until now).

*You will never reach your full potential as a player.

*Coaches won’t be able to trust you on the field.

*Your teammates will not respect you.

*You will not be able to play at higher levels.

*And you will always have regrets after games.

These statements may sound harsh but you don’t need another coach telling you everything is going to be okay and you did a good job when you really didn’t. I’m only real with you because I want to see you succeed.

Do you want these things to happen?

NO! I already know that.

So it’s time to transform your mindset and the way you play.

If you read the article I’ve linked below, it will give you tangible action steps you can use in games to be more aggressive.

But what you really need is a wake up call! 

Being shy and timid is only cute when you’re 6 years old. Not when you’re trying to be a top level footballer.

Don’t wait for the game to come to you, go and get it! Get more involved. Chase down the ball. Get more physical. Fight for the ball. If you get knocked down, get back up. Don’t give your opponents a second to breathe. Force them to make mistakes. Be brave. Be fearless. Be difficult to play against. 

Don’t worry if you make mistakes. Don’t worry if you screw up or look foolish. This will only build your mental toughness. The more you try the better you will become. It’s time to make this change. 

Make a commitment…

In your next practice or game, all I want you to do is try.

Try to be the most aggressive, intense, and hard working version of yourself you’ve ever been. See what happens. See how that feels. I promise you’ll be shocked with the impact you make, how much more involved you are, and the praise you get from your teammates & coaches.

Check out this article if you’re serious about improving:

How To Be More Aggressive In Soccer – 

Hope this helps you get closer to your goals. 

Have an amazing day and remember that lack of aggression is a choice but it’s not one you need to continue making. You can change your game overnight. I suggest you do so.

Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer

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THIS MESSAGE WAS FROM THE PROGRESSIVE SOCCER NEWSLETTER: If you’d like to receive daily motivation and advice to help you improve faster & achieve more in soccer, sign up for the Progressive Soccer Newsletter here –

how to juggle a soccer ball for beginners

You Have Greatness In You!

You have the ability to improve all every area of your game…

Become faster, stronger, and mentally tougher. I’d love to see you achieve great things in soccer and life. But that’s only possible if you become the best version of yourself. Stumbling across this content is a great start!

If you really want to take another strong step in the right direction…

Continue training with me.

soccer training

The Best Online Soccer Training

If you don’t know about me…

I used to be a soccer player who struggled with self-confidence. I felt slow, weak, and unmotivated. My coaches didn’t pay much attention to me, my friends laughed at my lack of skills. At one point, I even became so discouraged that I quit the sport altogether.

Enough was enough. I decided to take control of my own development and set out on a journey to become a better soccer player. This path led me on an incredible journey of self-improvement.

Your Best Years Are Coming!

I went on to win league and goal-scoring titles, earn awards, lift trophies, and received a college scholarship. I’ve even earned international caps for my country.

I started sharing my knowledge with others and teaching them how to become the best soccer players they could be. My YouTube channel grew to over 500,000 subscribers.

I’ve coached for several youth clubs in my local city, and even started my own soccer training company. I went on to coach the most prestigious men’s club in my city for several years.

how to become a better soccer player

But enough about me, let’s focus on you.

If you’re looking to improve your skills, let’s take your soccer game to the next level. I want to help you make a noticeable change in style of play and overall performance on the field.

I’m passionate about helping players achieve their goals in soccer, and I’d love to be a part of your journey. I can help you reach your goals faster and achieve more in this sport, but I won’t force you. If you’re ready to take the next step, here’s what I suggest you do:

1) Take This FREE Soccer Masterclass!

2) Download pre-match success guide (FREE)

3) Apply To The Online Soccer Academy

Serious about improvement? Use this free mini masterclass to speed up your development – Become A Better Player TODAY

how to juggle a soccer ball like a pro

Nervous about your next game / practice? You will want to download the free “pre-match success guide” – 10 principles to eliminate nerves and improve the quality of your performances.

soccer mistakes

Develop the skills necessary to earn your starting position, become the “go-to” player during, and dominate your opponents every match day click this link – Advanced Soccer Training

mistakes soccer players make

Appreciate this content and want to show some love? Make a donation to support Coach Dylan and Progressive Soccer – show some love

common mistakes soccer players make

Here are some related soccer articles you might enjoy:

How To Become A Great Soccer Player

How To Improve First Touch In Soccer

9 Soccer Ball Control Drills

Wishing You Success In Soccer

Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer

Thank you for reading this article:
Most Common Mistake Soccer Players Make

Dylan Tooby

Success should not be judged based on what you achieve but by what you help others achieve. Hopefully, this information will help you. Thank you for reading. Please, leave a comment.