Try this 12 minute footwork routine.


The Online Soccer Academy contains
21 different small space training sessions just like this!

Day #3 - Ball Mastery - Intermediate Routine


The Online Soccer Academy includes... 

21 Different Training Sessions Like This
21 In-Depth Session Tutorials To Improve Faster
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Routines
15 Minute Sessions / 7 Days Per Week

Plus much more...

+12 Week Transformation System
(Every Area Of Player Development)
+ 12 Week At Home Training Program 
+ 12 Professional Match Analysis Videos
+ 17 Hours of Bonus Training Material
+ Whatsapp Communication With Coach Dylan
+ Lifetime Access To All The Content

736 Players Graduated
42 Players Currently Enrolled

I Moved Up 2 Divisions!

“I started soccer in Division 3. My teammates would get frustrated with me because I had no experience. I wanted to become a better player so I didn’t feel like I was letting my team down. I found this program and learnt so much in a short period of time. I developed a lot as a player. The following season I moved up two divisions, onto the Division 1 team. After a third place finish, I received the “Most Improved Player Award”. Which felt like an enormous achievement considering where I was last year."

Nathan Ball  //  Urbandale, USA

I Was Selected For The ODP Team!

“Before I came across Dylan’s program I wasn't very good on the ball and I would lose possession way too much. I was a decent defender but I never did anything special with the ball. After using this program my skills are way better. I have confidence when I play. I rarely lose the ball anymore. Now my teammates pass to me all the time because they trust me with the ball. I even made some assists and scored a few goals. Thanks to this program I was selected to play for the ODP team in my state.”

Trinhan Lee  //  Trumbull, USA

My Skills & Confidence Have Improved!

“Before this program I was a very average player. After using this program I feel like a completely different player but also a better person. The training is very helpful and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their game. The way I think and see soccer has changed. I have become more committed and disciplined. My skills and confidence have improved. Due to this I was able to play for the Sankata Club which is a professional team in Nepal. I've since moved to Australia where I am chasing my dream of becoming a professional soccer player."

Prabin Yasar  //  Perth, Australia

My Professional Career Took Off!

“I always played for the top clubs in my country but I was never able to make the breakthrough I wanted. Once I started using Dylan’s methods my professional career took off. My development led me to become one of the top players at my previous club PFC Levski Sofia. Since then I have gone on to play for my National team of Bulgaria. My progress took me to Italy where I played for several different professional clubs such as Avellino, Campionato, Bari, and Gozzano. If you use Dylan’s programs and apply what he says, the hard work will pay off. I recommend it to anyone who is trying to become a better player.”

Iliyan Stefanov  //  Sofia, Bulgaria

Just Check Out Some Of The Results From Players
Who Have Already Used This Training


about the Progressive Soccer Academy

What Exactly Do You Get  When You Join The Progressive Soccer Online Academy

Each week you will progress through the 12 Foundational Player Development Modules that EVERY student must master to become a threat on the field.

Module 1:
Goal Setting & Purpose Activation

Duration: 40m

Clarity around what you want and who you must become will allow for progression. You cannot reach a destination without first knowing exactly where you want to go. More importantly, you will not achieve your goals if you don't connect with your purpose for being on the field. This is what we will flesh out in this module.

Module 2:
Unshakeable Mental Toughness

Duration: 1h 20m

One of the biggest mistakes soccer players make is trying to train their skills BEFORE their mindset. If you have amazing skills but poor mindset, you'll NEVER become a star player. If you look at all the best players they have a powerful mindset. And that's why we dedicate this module to purely working on your mind.

Module 3:
Foundational Training Principles

Duration: 2h 30m

Have you heard the phrase "practice makes perfect?" It's a lie. Most players waste time and opportunity for growth because of the way they practice. If you want to achieve your potential, you have to learn how to PROPERLY train your skills & fitness. Just 1 hour of intentional practice is worth 100 hours of inefficient training. That's why this is module is dedicated to training principles.

Module 4:
Next Level Nutrition For Athletes

Duration: 2h 30m

Nutrition is one of the most overlooked areas of development, especially by young players. In order to play at your top level, you need to fuel yourself with foods that you 1) actually LIKE and 2) supercharge your body with energy. There are even special foods that I have all my students eat right before their games to ensure they play at max energy levels and I will reveal them all in this module.

Module 5:
Pro Technique Development

Duration: 1h 30m

Pro soccer players do things with the ball average players could only dream of. In this module we're going to break down the techniques used by the top players in the world and "install" them into your game. You'll also learn how to improve your technical skills faster by understanding little training secrets of top level players.

Module 6:
Progressive Athleticism

Duration: 1h 30m

In today's game, you cannot be a fantastic soccer player without great athleticism. If you want to be the starter for your team or play at a higher level, you NEED to be agile, fast, strong, and have a great vertical jump. In this module you will learn how to outwork and maneuver your opponents whenever you step on the field.

Module 7:
Decision Making & Match Intelligence

Duration: 1h 30m

Have you ever wondered how players like Messi just ALWAYS make the right play? The "reticular activation system". It's a part of the brain that acts instinctually rather than logically allowing you to make the RIGHT decisions without thinking. In this module you learn to become a smarter player and improve your speed of play.

Module 8:
Progressive Defending

Duration: 1h 15m

Whatever your position on the field, you NEED to know how to defend. Not only does becoming a better defender make you a better leader that understands what's going on around you, but it also makes you a better choice for more playing time because the coach can trust you to help out with both sides of the game.

Module 9:
Progressive Attacking

Duration: 1h 50m

Regardless of your position every player NEEDS to know how to attack. In today's modern game, it's mandatory that every player is comfortable on the ball and able to create chances. When you master the ideas in this module your coach and teammates will love you because you will start to beat more players, make more assists, and score more goals. 

Module 10:
Match Day Performance

Duration: 1h 20m

Many players play well in training but few can actually pull it together and put on a great performance when it matters most. What allows you to practice well is totally different from what allows you to perform well under pressure. In this module you will become a more consistent and dependable player your teammates can count during those big matches.

Module 11:
Superhuman Recovery Habits

Duration: 1h 20m

To play well consistently, you HAVE to recover well. Without great recovery, you'll always be a shadow of the player you really could be. In this module we will break down recovery habits in depth. Avoid injury, reduce soreness, come back stronger than your competition. You'll strike fear into your opponents every time you step onto the field overflowing with unmatched energy every game day.

Module 12:
Achieving Goals & Taking Action

Duration: 5h 20m

Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. It doesn't matter what you know or learn if you don't actually TAKE ACTION towards your goals. In this final module we'll create a customized plan you can use to move closer to your long-term soccer goals. The players who make it in this game are not the one's with the most talent but the one's who take the most action.

You will also be required to complete the
At Home Training Program

Improve your skills, fitness, and confidence in a small space with only 15 minutes per day. Follow along with real-time training routines. Includes in-depth tutorials and progressions.
The program has 3 different versions: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced

Day 1:
Footwork Fundamentals

Duration: 15m

Day 2:
Foot Speed & Sharpness

Duration: 15m

Day 3:
Ball Mastery Skills

Duration: 15m

Day 4:
Lower Center of Gravity

Duration: 15m

Day 5:
Dribbling & Turning

Duration: 15m

Day 6:
Power & Explosiveness

Duration: 15m

Day 7:
1v1 Skill Moves

Duration: 15m

Session Tutorials

Duration: 4hr 30m

But that's not all you get...

Academy members will also receive:

Professional Match Analysis

Duration: 2h 10m

12 in-depth analysis videos of professional matches for each week of the academy. Break down of player movement, decision making, technique, and much more from the worlds best teams & players.

Progressive Soccer Library

Duration: 17h 25m

Lifetime access to all of the best player transformation courses, programs, and bonuses I've created in the past. You can view these training programs at any time and these bonuses include...

8 Secrets I Wish Every Footballer Knew

Duration: 1h 05m

1 hr video seminar about the most important life lessons I've learned playing soccer for 20 years and wish I knew when I was a young player.

Interviews With
Football Professionals

Duration: 8h 30m

Private conversations with professional players, FIFA agents, college coaches, youth scouts, and more... These interviews are absolute gold for any ambitious player.

Cooking Tutorials
With Coach Dylan

Duration: 2h 30m

How to quickly cook healthy meals at home to optimize your performance & recovery.

Match Winner Method

Duration: 1h 45m

Complete training routine: Technical skill, physical fitness, and strength sessions to be completed at the field and in the gym.

Train 2 Dominate

Duration: 1h 15m

Another Complete training routine: Technical skill, physical fitness, and strength sessions to be completed at the field and in the gym.

Triple Your Talent

Duration: 2h 00m

3 different (beginner, intermediate, advanced) - 40 minute follow along training sessions to be completed with only a ball and a wall.

Is This Right For You?

Do you have what it takes to reach your goals & finally achieve
the transformation you've been trying to obtain on your own?


  • You are open minded and ready to learn new things.
  • Are willing to take immediate action on the lessons you learn.
  • Are ambitious and hungry to improve.
  • Willing to invest time, energy, and money into your future to become the best soccer player you can possibly be.


  • Are close minded and unwilling to learn.
  • Are defensive and unable to admit their mistakes.
  • Blame other people instead of taking responsibility for your own results.
  • You are all talk with no true desire to take action towards your long-term goals.
Make Next Season The Best Season Of Your Career or Your Money Back

Try this online course risk free for 120 days and if your next season is not the best personal season of your career just send us me a message and I'll refund your money, no questions asked.

In the end we only regret the things we didn't do.

© Progressive Consulting Group Inc.