How Can I Play College Soccer?
Question from player:
“I played soccer from when I could walk until when I was about eleven. I want to pick it up again at 17 and potentially play club in college. Is it possible to get good enough if I practice regularly?“
Yes! It is possible for players to become good enough and play at the college soccer level.
However, it depends on your current level of play and how much work you are willing to put in to become a college level player. Yet, I have seen many players catch up to their peers after starting to play soccer late or taking time off.
It’s about the desire to improve.
Here are some helpful ideas to can play college soccer:
1) Consistency over quantity.
It’s more important for you to do 10 minutes of training everyday, than to do 1 hour of training once a week. Ideally, you are doing more than that but you will build more confidence, technique, and fitness if you are working on your game daily.
Find a way to make training convenient. Whether that is doing it at home, in your backyard, or a local park. Individual training is most important to get started because when you train by yourself you are the player who gets all of the attention.
If you need ideas on how to train by yourself check my links below.
2) Get more match experience.
Individual training is very important to improve your skills but if you want to get back to playing well in real matches you need to get more game-time experience.
Players often think they are fit and sharp until they get into real-match situations where they suddenly realize all the individual training they have done doesn’t transfer over. There skills may be sharp but their fitness isn’t up to par and they do not possess the proper speed of play.
You can sign up for recreational teams, co-ed leagues, indoor soccer, futsal, 5-a-side, 11v11, drop-in soccer. There are many options to get more playing experience if you do a google search or look for some facebook groups in your city.
3) Surround yourself with college level players.
If you start to surround yourself with players who are above your level, you will be forced to rise to. that level or be left behind.
If you play in situations where you are always the best player you won’t have to improve. Find friends and teammates who are playing at the college level. Ask to train with them, practice, or play games. The more time you spend with them. The faster you will learn.
Improve you environment and you will improve your performances.

If you found this information helpful…
And would like to take the next step towards becoming a better soccer player, download the pre-match success guide and fill out your application for The Online Soccer Academy.
Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer
If you’re nervous about your next game / practice you might benefit from the “prematch success guide” – 10 principles to eliminate nerves and improve the quality of your game day performances.

If you want to develop the skills necessary to earn your starting position, become the “go-to” player during, and dominate your opponents every match day click this link – online soccer academy

Thank you for reading this article: How can i play college soccer?