How To Do Long Passes In Soccer
If you are struggling with your long passing and want to learn once and for all how to do long passes in soccer – this article / video is for you.
There is nothing worse than attempting a long pass, under hitting it and having the defender easily intercept the ball. Or being so inaccurate you hit the ball out of bounds and everyone ducks their heads in disappointment.
If you’ve ever experienced these feelings during a soccer game, I want to help you improve your soccer long pass so you can take better care of the ball, create more chances with your passing, and become the type of playmaker that every team wants.
Just like any soccer skill, with the right guidance, proper mindset, and effective drills to practice your long passing technique – you will improve this skill. Guaranteed.
You’ll be pinging long passes all over the pitch like Paul Scholes in his prime.

How To Do Long Passes In Soccer
Why is it important to learn how to make long passes in soccer?
Most players only have the ability to play short passes. This makes you predictable and very one dimensional. If this is you, make a commitment to add more passing variety to your game.
When you have the ability to hit the long pass in soccer players will be less likely to close you down, you’ll be able to switch the field of play in a second, and beat the opposing defense with a single pass. This makes you dangerous and hard to play against.
We’ve all played with the player who only does long passes. Although this may be frustrating to play with when you are the type of player who likes keeping possession. You can’t help but admit that this player is still dangerous. They probably get lots of assists, change the speed of play, and create chances for their team.
You don’t want to be the type of player who kicks the ball away every time but it’s a good idea to blend a short pass possession style of play with the ability to hit accurate long passes in a split second. Add this to your game and you’ll become a standout player whenever you’re on the pitch.
How To Make Good Passes In Soccer
If you’ve struggled with long passing in the past, don’t let that define you. Many players will halt their progression because of their mindset. They’ve never been good at long passing in soccer, so they start to believe they never will.
They neglect this area of development and only focus on their strengths. You can improve every single area of your game. Every technical skill can get better and long passing is no different.
Take the information in this article and use it to improve.
Be open to the idea that you may need to change your technique, practice more often, and learn from other players. When we open ourselves to criticism and the fact that we are not perfect, we take back our power to improve.
You can do this. Study the soccer long pass technique, put in consistent practice, and learn to analyze your mindset. Never give up on yourself. You can do this but it all starts in your mind.

How To Pass A Long Ball In Soccer
If you want to learn how to long pass in soccer the best thing you can do is spend 5 – 10 minutes before every training session and match playing long passes with a teammate.
We all want to improve our long passing skills, but how often do you actually practice it. Are you getting frustrated when you make a bad long pass in matches? But the only time you practice long passing is when you are in matches?
Don’t expect yourself to get better, if you don’t take the time to develop the skill. Utilize warm ups before practices and games to improve this skill. Because practicing long passing by yourself isn’t ideal.
However, if you want to practice long passes in soccer by yourself, your best friend will be a wall. Ideally, a cement wall connected to a patch of grass (school, gym facility, random building, etc). If you have to use pavement, no excuses get your practice in.
Hit the ball against the wall with good soccer long passing technique (read more + watch the video below) as the ball travels back to you, reset your feet, focus on having a good first touch out of your feet, then hit the ball back against the wall.
Long Pass Soccer Technique
Here are a few helpful ideas if you are serious about learning how to long pass in soccer more effectively:
#1 – Angle of approach. You may find it easier to approach the ball from a 45 degree angle. If you run at the ball straight on it’s difficult to make the proper back-swing, contact and follow through, to create the precise pass that you want. Most players strike the ball slightly from the side when they are performing long passes. Play with your angle of approach and see what works best for you.
#2 – Visualization of pass. Before you hit the ball, imagine in your mind how the ball is going to travel to your teammate. Is it a direct pass? Is it low or high? Does it have inside or outside curl on it? Next, visualize what your technique must look like in order for you to produce that pass? The better you can visualize what good technique looks like, the easier you’ll be able to replicate this technique in reality.
#3 – Contact point. Most players are looking up at their target before they even make contact with the ball. Focus on the exact point on the ball you want to make contact. When hitting long passes this is usually on the centre, bottom half of the ball. You will likely brush under the ball to make it rise. Don’t take your eyes off the ball until you make contact.
#4 – Follow through. Hold a strong pure technique as you make contact with the ball. Many players will have good technique until the point of contact. Then their foot, leg, and body will go lose. You need to stay tight with pure technique as you make contact. Really think about where you foot, leg, and body are pointing as you make contact with the ball. This will usually tell you exactly where your long pass is going to go.
#5 – Body positioning. Everyone thinks about their foot technique when playing passes but what about your body? If you are loose and lazy with your upper body it will usually result in a weak and inaccurate long pass. Take more consideration into what you’re doing with your upper body. Keep your core tight, body over the ball, shoulders pointing towards your target.

Why Your Long Passes In Soccer Suck
Don’t be the type of player who says…
“I practice my long balls all the time but they are not getting better.”
If you truly want to master how to pass long balls in soccer, this mentality will not serve you. If these tips, tricks, and techniques have worked for other players. They can work for you.
Be honest with yourself:
Are you practicing your long passes often enough?
Are you analyzing your mistakes and learning from them?
Are you applying all the ideas above to your technique?
If you are still struggling with your technique after all of this. Learn from the best. Analyze the technique of the best players in the world. What can you learn about their technique? Do they look different than you? When they play a long pass?

Tips For Better Long Passes In Soccer
The fastest way to improve…
After receiving a few coaching tips is by learning to be your own best coach. Analyze your technique. No one can help you improve, if you don’t help yourself. Your mistakes are opportunity for growth. Analyze them. Take the information. Keep trying.
Before you watch the helpful video below about long passing in soccer take a look at this image I have created for some helpful reminders about how to improve your long passes in soccer.
You can save this image and refer back to it, if you ever need a refresher on technique, training, and mindset. Share this with your friends, teammates, or anyone else you want to help improve.
How To Improve Long Passing In Soccer

“A champion is someone who does not settle for that day’s practice, that day’s competition, that day’s performance. They are always striving to be better. They don’t live in the past.” – Briana Scurry
Easy Soccer Footwork Drills (Video)
With the proper mindset around improving your long passing, I’d like you to watch this video about how to improve soccer footwork for beginners.
Please remember…
Watching this video will not make your long passes better unless you are willing to put these principles into consistent practice. Stop looking for the easy way out. Practice until you can’t get this wrong. You don’t have to be perfect overnight, but you need to be progressing. Making small improvements daily will result in massive changes overtime.
Understand that knowledge is only power when it’s put into action. Make the necessary changes to your mindset, technique, training, and start to fall in love with your training. Be consistent and you will develop the improvements you desire.
If you want to become a dangerous passer, with the ability to open up a defence in a single pass, this should be obsession you keep with you for the rest of your soccer career.
Long Pass Soccer Technique EXPLAINED
Hopefully you found this tutorial about how to do a long pass in football / soccer helpful.
If you have any questions related to this topic please comment below.
You have the ability to improve all of your skills! You’ve learned how to improve soccer long passing skills but you can also become faster, stronger, and mentally tougher. I’d love to see you achieve great things in soccer and life. But that’s only possible if you become the best version of yourself. Stumbling across this content is a great start!
If you really want to take another strong step in the right direction…
Continue training with me.

The Next Step
If you found this article helpful, you’ll absolutely love The Soccer Success Planner.
Are you tired of feeling like you’re not making progress in your soccer skills? Do you want to have a more organized and effective training routine? Do you struggle with setting and achieving your soccer goals?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Soccer Success Planner is perfect for you. This planner will help you stay motivated, focused, and on track towards achieving your soccer goals. And it’s completely customizable to fit your unique needs!
Use the planner to set clear goals, track your progress, and stay accountable to yourself. With helpful prompts and exercises, you’ll be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, plan your training sessions, and maximize your performance on the field.
Download your free copy now and start taking control of your soccer success today! You can download it here – Soccer Success Planner

Need Faster Improvements!?
Not getting better at soccer? Confused about how to train effectively? Maybe you’re worried that you won’t be properly prepared for your next big opportunity? Or you just want to standout and actually feel respected by your teammates, coaches, and friends?
Whatever struggles you’re going through, The Online Soccer Academy is the best solution to help you overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Thousands of satisfied players have already taken the next step and achieved incredible results in record time.
With expert coaching, structured player development systems, and easy-to-follow training routines, it’s guaranteed to elevate game.
Join today and start experiencing the transformation you’ve been waiting for!
Get more information here – Online Soccer Academy

About The Author
If you don’t know about me…
I used to be a soccer player who struggled with self-confidence. I felt slow, weak, and unmotivated. My coaches didn’t pay much attention to me, my friends laughed at my lack of skills. At one point, I even became so discouraged that I quit the sport altogether.
Enough was enough. I decided to take control of my own development and set out on a journey to become a better soccer player. This path led me on an incredible journey of self-improvement.
I went on to win league and goal-scoring titles, earn awards, lift trophies, and received a college scholarship. I’ve even earned international caps for my country.
I started sharing my knowledge with others and teaching them how to become the best soccer players they could be. My YouTube channel grew to over 500,000 subscribers.
In addition, I coached for several youth clubs in my local city, and even started my own soccer training company. I went on to coach the most prestigious men’s club in my city for several years.

But enough about me, let’s focus on you.
If you’re looking to improve your skills, let’s take your soccer game to the next level. I want to help you make a noticeable change in style of play and overall performance on the field.
I’m passionate about helping players achieve their goals in soccer, and I’d love to be a part of your journey. I can help you reach your goals faster and achieve more in this sport, but I won’t force you. If you’re ready to take the next step, here’s what I suggest you do:
1) Download The Soccer Success Planner (FREE)
2) Apply To The Online Soccer Academy (Limited Spots)

Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer
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