How To Score More Goals in Soccer (1v1)

We have all been in that situation:

You’re 1v1 with the goalkeeper.
It’s an incredible opportunity to score.
It should be easy.

But for some reason…

You hesitate and waste the chance.

If you’ve ever failed to beat a keeper in a 1v1 situation or…
You just want to learn how to score more goals in soccer.

This post is for you.

Learn how to score more goals in soccer or football. In this post, I'll specifically address how to beat a goalkeeper in soccer in 1v1 situations - with 3 goal scoring techniques you will always remember.

First step to scoring more goals in soccer or football.

Is wanting to score more goals.


How to score more goals in soccer

It sounds ridiculous but so many players have a weak mindset that holds them back from scoring goals. They adopt the identity of someone who doesn’t score.

They say things like:

“I never score goals”


“I’m more of a playmaker”

If you can relate to this behaviour, please stop now. You deserve to score goals, help your team win more games, and get the glory. You can be the match winner for your team but it starts with the mindset.

You score goals every time you play.
You score goals every time you practice.

If you don’t score, you analyze and ask yourself: what do I need to do differently to score more goals in my next soccer game / football match?

With that in mind…

Here are 3 methods to score more goals in soccer – specifically when you find yourself in a 1v1 situation against the goalkeeper.

How to beat a goalkeeper in soccer

Knowledge is power but only when it’s put into action.

When you find yourself in 1v1 situation with a goalkeeper – there are 3 options which I personally like to use that you might find helpful:

  1. Early finish. Don’t hesitate. Pick your spot and shape your shot away form the goalkeeper into one of the corners.

  2. Go around the keeper. Be direct. Use your forward momentum to your advantage. Take a large touch around the goalkeeper to create an angle for an open net finish.

  3. Chip (or scoop). If the goalkeeper gets too close, your only option may be to go over him. Chip or scoop the ball over the keeper and into the back of the net.

How to score more goals (Action Steps)

We all want to score goals but how often do you practice scoring goals?
Against a real goalkeeper? In high pressure situations?

Watching videos and reading blog posts are valuable.

But the truth is…

You need to gain more real life experience in front of goal.

The only time most players practice shooting & finishing is on match day. It’s not enough. Here are a few ways to get more practice in front of goal:

  1. Individual practice. You don’t always have the luxury of practicing with a goalkeeper but you can always pretend. Obviously, it’s not the best method but you can practice all of these finishes by yourself.

  2. Partner practice. Find a goalkeeper and ask them to train with you. Most goalkeepers are desperate for extra shooting practice because they usually get neglected during team practices.

  3. Team practice. Show up early and leave late. Make the most of team training to get some extra shots. Instead of wasting time or talking with friends during down time – practice your finishing.

  4. More matches. The more games you play, the more likely you will find yourself in goal scoring situations. Find another team to play for and get more matches every week. You can play pick-up games, drop-in soccer, co-ed, futsal, indoor, outdoor, 3v3, 5v5, 8v8, 11v11, recreational, competitive, school, club.

How To Dominate Your Opponents

What’s next?

If you’re serious about improving your game I would recommend checking out the following links:

Download the free “pre-game success” guide here – click here

If you’re ready for ADVANCED SOCCER TRAINING – Watch this 12 minute video presentation about the Online Soccer Academy – click here

Thank you for reading: How to score more goals in soccer (3 ways to beat a goalkeeper) – Please like, share on social media, and comment below.

Dylan Tooby

Success should not be judged based on what you achieve but by what you help others achieve. Hopefully, this information will help you. Thank you for reading. Please, leave a comment.