How To Shoot A Soccer Ball Correctly
If you want to learn how to shoot a soccer ball correctly this video is for you. In this video, I did a small shooting tutorial with one of my soccer players.

She’s been improving her shooting skills quickly but needs to focus on flexing her foot and having stronger shooting technique.
Most players can see very fast improvement in their shooting power, accuracy, and technique with a few simple coaching cues but most importantly…
Lots of repetitions.
Most players expect to improve without putting in a reasonable amount of practice. We don’t need complicated drills. We need to understand technique and practice the basics.
Watch the video below and I’ll follow up with some helpful shooting tips.
Specifically for how to shoot a soccer ball with the laces
How To Shoot A Soccer Ball
As you can see in that short video, she made an instant improvement to her shooting technique. And you could see the joy in her face when it clicked in her head. Improvements can come quickly with proper coaching.
Most players want to learn how to shoot a soccer ball with power before they build a strong foundation of technique.
I always say…
Power comes from technique.
The most powerful shots I’ve ever produced have not been the ones I’ve tried to shoot the hardest. They have been the shots where I’ve met the ball with the sweetest technique.
Once you learn how to shoot a soccer ball correctly with good technique, then you can start to add more force and intensity into your shots.
If you want to learn how to shoot a soccer ball with accuracy review the tips I’ve given my player in this video:
How to shoot a soccer ball with accuracy
- Focus on the ball (don’t look up before you’ve made contact)
- Create a nice flowing backswing and forward swing.
- Flex your foot, lock your ankle, and tighten your toes.
- Flex your entire leg.
- Keep your body strong and centred.
- Follow through towards your target.
- Keep your technique strong after you’ve made contact with the ball.
If you found this information valuable please comment and share on social media.
For those players who are serious about improving faster, achieving more, and making their soccer journey count – watch this free video course:

8 Secrets I Wish Every Footballer Knew
Thanks for reading!
Dylan Tooby
Progressive Soccer
Blog post: How to shoot a soccer ball correctly