How To Shoot A Soccer Ball With Your Weak Foot
If you NEED to learn how to shoot a soccer ball with your weak foot, I’d love to help you solve this problem ASAP.
There’s nothing more humiliating than knowing you can’t shoot with your weak foot. You pass up shooting opportunities or miss easy chances because you have NO confidence shooting with your weak foot.
You don’t have to struggle with this problem anymore. Whether you want to admit it or not. Having a weak foot is a choice. If you train with my methods, I don’t allow weak footed players. From now on you have two strong feet.
Today, we will make some massive improvements in your weak foot shooting.

How To Shoot A Soccer Ball With Your Weak Foot
Learning how to kick a soccer ball with your weak foot is extremely important because player who can only play with one foot are extremely predictable and easy to defend.
But what about MESSI!?
He’s only left footed!?
I hate to break it to you, but you’re not Lionel Messi. That’s also a false argument. Messi has the ability to use his weaker foot. He just favors his left side.
It’s totally okay if you want to favor one foot over the other with your style of play. But it’s not acceptable to give away passes, have bad touches, and in this case…
Have poor quality shots with your weak foot – simply because you decided you only needed one foot to play soccer.
Weak Foot Soccer Shooting
Why do most players have a weak foot?
Truthfully, it comes down to neglect. Your weak foot is “weak” because you’ve neglected it for your entire soccer career. The other foot received all the love and attention. Think about how many more touches, passes, and shots you’ve taken with your stronger foot compared to your weak foot?
It makes perfect sense why the two are different. If you put in the same amount of time, attention, and effort into your weak foot – it would no longer be weak.
Personally, I’ve always had the mindset of training with both feet from a young age. I’m naturally right footed but most people wouldn’t guess that. In fact, my left foot has surpassed my right. In many ways, my shots feel much cleaner and powerful on my left compared to my right.
My 5 year old son has a strong “weak” foot. Simply because he’s practiced shooting with both feet from the very beginning. No excuses. If he can develop his weak foot, so can you.

Weak Foot Soccer Shooting
I’ll give you tips on how to improve your weak foot faster and weak foot shooting drills BUT none of that will help if you don’t follow the simple principle of giving your weaker side more attention.
Everyone wants results without putting in the work.
Simplify the process.
Go to a wall today. Take 300 shots with your weaker foot. Think about how to make your technique better with each shot. Don’t leave until you see a difference in your weak foot soccer shooting.
Your leg will probably be sore tomorrow but this simple mindset towards soccer training will help you improve faster than everyone else. No one wants to put in the work. They will watch 100 videos but put in 10 minutes of practice before they give up.
Do the work!
Be consistent!
Get the results!
Be proud of yourself!
Repeat the process!
How To Shoot A Soccer Ball With Weak Foot
If you already have a basic understanding of how to shoot a soccer ball, it’s your responsibility to apply these principles to your weak foot. With that in mind, here are some of the most common mistakes I see when players are learning how to shoot a soccer ball with their weak foot:
#1 – Poor Approach. Many players will have an awkward run up when shooting on their weak side. On their strong foot they have quick footwork and run into the ball naturally. On their weak side, they will approach with no run up or big heavy steps. Analyze your movement into the ball. How does your right compare to your left?
#2 – Restricted Backswing. Weak foot soccer shots usually have a very small backswing (or none at all). Try to create a big backswing where your heel almost kicks your bum as you start descending towards the ball.
#3 – Weak Foot Flex. The main reason your weak foot shots are not getting any power is because of the inability to flex your foot. If I ask most players to flex their foot as hard as they can on their weaker side, they can’t do it. They don’t have the strength in their foot because it hasn’t been practiced enough. Focus on keeping your foot, ankle, calve, and quad flexed as strongly as possible. Even after you make contact with the ball.
#4 – No Follow Through. Many players will chop their shots on their weaker side. Instead of swinging their leg towards their target with a big follow through. Their leg will stop as they make contact with the ball. Push your leg through the ball, jump forward, and land on that shooting foot.

If you haven’t seen this video – watch it after: How To Improve Your Weak Foot In 1 Day!
Weak Foot In Soccer (EXCUSES)
Don’t be the type of player who says…
“I’ve tried that!”
“I can’t do it!”
“I don’t know how to do this!”
Your words create your reality. If you believe it’s impossible to improve your weak foot in soccer. It will be. This is the mindset of a loser and I won’t allow you to be one of those.
If other players have improved their weak foot, so can you. You improved your strong foot. At one point you couldn’t shoot with that foot. Now you can?
Stay motivated. Use your frustration as energy to practice more. Analyze every shot. Compare your two feet. What’s the difference? Find it. Apply it. You can improve your weak foot in soccer. Just like you can improve every other area of your game when you have the proper mindset.

How To Kick A Soccer Ball With Your Weak Foot
When you improve your weak foot, your game will transform overnight. You’ll be able to execute on both sides. This means…
More goals.
More assists.
Better pass completion.
More confidence & self-belief.
Here are 5 steps on how to shoot a soccer ball with weak foot:

One of the best ways to improve any skill is to watch yourself on video. I’ll demonstrate my shooting technique in the video below. But if you can film yourself shooting with both feet and analyze the difference – it will help your improvement drastically.
We need to develop the skill to analyze our own technique, visualize what we are doing incorrectly, but this is NOT always easy to do. Especially as a beginner. Video can be a great tool. All of my techniques started to improve even faster when I could see my mistakes clearly on video.
Weak Foot Shooting Tutorial
With that in mind, hope you enjoy this video and use it to improve your weak foot soccer shooting skills.
Understand that knowledge is only power when it’s put into action. Make the necessary changes to your mindset, technique, training, and start to fall in love with your training. Be consistent and you will develop the improvements you desire.
If you want to improve your soccer juggling skills, improve your ball control, and have better touches during matches – this should be obsession you keep with you for the rest of your soccer career.
Shoot With Your Weak Foot In Soccer!
Hopefully you found this tutorial about how to shoot a soccer ball with weak foot helpful. If you need more advice on soccer weak foot training, please comment below.
If you have any questions related to this topic please comment below.
You have the ability to improve all of your skills! You’ve learned how to shoot a soccer ball with your weak foot but you can also become faster, stronger, and mentally tougher. I’d love to see you achieve great things in soccer and life. But that’s only possible if you become the best version of yourself. Stumbling across this content is a great start!
If you really want to take another strong step in the right direction…
Continue training with me.

Become A Better Soccer Player
If you don’t know about me…
I used to be a player who struggled with confidence. I was slow, I was weak, and lazy. My coaches overlooked me, my friends laughed at me, and at one point I became so depressed I even quit soccer.
Just like you…
I went on a quest to learn how to become a better soccer player and it took me down an incredible path of self-development.
Not only did I improve all my soccer skills, fitness, and confidence. I went on to win leagues & goal scoring titles, earn awards, lift trophies, get a college scholarship, and even receive international caps for my country.
In the process of this self-development, I started teaching others what to do to become the greatest soccer player they can be. My youtube channel grew to 500,000+ subscribers and I’ve helped players all around the world improve at the game they love.
In my local city I coached for several youth clubs, before starting my own soccer training company. Then I went on to coach the most prestigious men’s club in my city for several years.

But enough about me…
Back to you!
If you want to improve, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take some serious action towards becoming a better player. I want your coaches, teammates, and opponents to notice a change in you. A new mentality, a new style of play, a new type of player.
I’d love to help you achieve your goals in soccer.
If you found this advice about how to be a better soccer player helpful, I would encourage you take the next recommended steps. I can help you improve faster & achieve more in this sport but I won’t force you. However, if you want to take the next step. Here’s what I suggest you do…
1) Take the Soccer Training Masterclass (Free)
2) Download the FREE pre-match success guide
3) Join the Online Soccer Academy
Really serious about improvement? I’ve put together this mini masterclass of “how to become a better soccer player” with helpful lessons to speed up your development – free soccer masterclass

If you’re nervous about your next game / practice you might benefit from the “prematch success guide” – 10 principles to eliminate nerves and improve the quality of your game day performances.

Develop the skills necessary to earn your starting position, become the “go-to” player during, and dominate your opponents every match day click this link – online soccer academy

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Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer
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