How To Succeed In Soccer
Why 80% of soccer players “fail”.
How you can succeed.
When I first started playing soccer, I was just like any other player.
I used to believe that there were things I was naturally good at and things I wasn’t. I felt limited by my coach’s opinion of me.
Thankfully, everything changed when I hit rock bottom.
(As I shared in my previous message)

Dunning Kruger Effect
I decided to take control of my own destiny, to reinvent myself, and become the player I wanted to be.I transformed myself from a small, shy, un-athletic kid into a player who standouts on the pitch and makes a difference for his team.
I made some massive improvements, most players would have been satisfied but I quickly realized that progression should be endless.
Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
It’s when people who are not very good at something think they’re really good at it because they don’t realize how much there is to learn. On the other hand, people who are truly great understand that there is always more to improve upon and learn.
When I was 10 years old…
I used to watch professional soccer and think that I could play just as well as those guys. But as I became better and played at higher levels, I realized how much more there was to learn and how far away I actually was from that level.
I share this to inspire you to have an open mind because being close-minded is a death trap in this game.
If you think you’re good enough already, you’ll never reach your true potential. But if you recognize that there’s always more to learn, you can achieve incredible things.
I’ve helped thousands of players transform their game and achieve amazing results. But I’ve also seen incredibly talented players with all the potential in the world crumble and disappear. An average player can become elite, and a great player can waste everything.
The point of this message is to show you what’s possible.
You can transform your game, catch up to players who were ahead of you, achieve your goals, and have a career without regrets. Let’s talk about how to make that happen.

Common Soccer Player Experience
When you first start playing soccer, it’s all about having fun and enjoying the game. Winning and losing doesn’t matter too much, and you’re just happy to be playing.
But as you progress, things start to get more serious.
You become more invested in the outcome, and your ego becomes tied to your success and failures on the field. Your whole life can start to revolve around how well you’re doing in soccer.
This is the point where many players drop out.
By the age of 18:
- 80% of players have quit.
- 20% keep playing.
For those who keep playing there are two paths: some continue to play just for fun, while others push themselves to reach their full potential.
Everyone has a different level of potential. Some players are meant to play professionally, while others will only be the best in their local league. It’s up to you to discover your own potential.
But if you do decide to pursue your full potential, I have to warn you: it’s not going to be easy. I’ll also need to convince you that you don’t actually want an easy journey. You need to struggle and fail in order to build strength and resilience.
Great players are not defined by how they celebrate success but by how they respond to defeat. You can either get discouraged by your failures or use them as motivation to become better.
These ideas should stay with you:
- Change the way you look at failure.
You’re not afraid of failure. Instead of fearing it, view it as a step towards success. Every setback is a lesson. It offers valuable insights for growth, reveals changes that need to be made, and provides new knowledge of how to succeed in the future.
- Commit to life-long personal development.
To achieve more, you must become more. You cannot expect to get different results by remaining the same player. You don’t have to be perfect, but you must be making progress. Dedicate yourself to self-mastery and use each day as an opportunity to become better than you were yesterday.

The People On Your Path
On your soccer journey, the way you interact with people can make or break your success. Although it would be nice if all of our achievements were solely due to our own efforts, the social aspect of soccer cannot be ignored.
To maximize your success in soccer….
- Give more than you receive.
- Provide the praise and take the blame.
- Seek criticism instead of compliments.
- Talk less, do more. Lead by example.
When it comes to coaches, be coachable and open to their feedback. Show that you’re willing to learn and grow as a player. Instead of blaming the coach, ask yourself how you can improve to gain their favor.
Teammates can be frustrating, but we can’t change them. Focus on being a positive influence and inspiring others with your communication and style of play. Instead of blaming teammates, ask yourself; could I have done more?
Tough opponents are a blessing in disguise.
You don’t want easy opponents. Real opposition pushes you beyond your limits. Don’t get upset with them or let them affect your composure. Instead, view them as an opportunity to gain confidence and mental toughness.
Never blame the referee for your losses.
Take ownership of your performance. Avoid putting yourself in a situation where one call can dictate the game. Blaming others won’t help you achieve your goals. You cannot control other people. You can only control your response to other people.

Understanding The System
The better you become, the more opportunities you can create for yourself. However, it’s important to acknowledge that external factors such as political systems, financial obstacles, or your location often play a role in achieving goals.
One of the biggest mistakes soccer players make is believing, if they are talented enough someone will discover them.
That’s not how it works…
Don’t expect things to happen just because you want them to or because you’re a good player. You need to take action and understand the necessary steps to make it happen:
Where do you need to go?
What do you need to do?
Who do you need to talk to?
Think of it as another piece of the puzzle. For example, if you want to make the best team in your city. When are the tryouts? Who is the coach? Who are the players on the team? How did they get onto that team? What were the steps?
Where does that college recruit players? How do I get in contact with the coaching staff? Are there open tryouts? ID camps? Combines?
If your dream is to become a professional soccer player and you live in a country without a professional soccer system, with no support, limited opportunities, and endless doubters, it may seem daunting.
But it’s not impossible…
No matter how challenging your situation may be, you can almost always find a story of someone who came from a more difficult situation than you and achieved their goals.
So, if your goals include getting onto the best team, getting a college scholarship, or playing professional soccer, you must understand the system.
Sitting around and waiting for opportunities to come to you won’t lead you to success. Becoming good enough is only the first step. Commit to understanding the system of soccer.

The Problems
A few challenges we’ve briefly covered:
The problem with the player.
(Most players remain the same but want more)
After reading this you’re not going to sit around blaming other people for your current situation. You’re going to take full responsibility for your development. And you’re going to fall in love with the process of becoming better everyday.
The problem with the coaching.
(Most coaches have no idea how to make players better)
I’ve probably had 100 different coaches in my life, maybe 5% of them made a truly positive impact on my future. Don’t wait around for a good coach to find you. Seek out the best coaching & training if you want to improve faster.
The problem with training.
(So much information it’s overwhelming & unorganized)
Unlimited knowledge is at your fingertips, but randomly scrolling through videos won’t make you a better player. Be aware that some content can actually make you worse, by teaching bad habits or focusing on flash instead of creating players who change games.

New Version Of Yourself
What are you going to do differently after reading this?
Take responsibility for your personal development, improving your relationship skills, and understanding the system of soccer.
The question is how much time do you have?
Your next big opportunity could be around the corner. You may not realize it but someone is always watching, so it’s crucial to be prepared.
You can choose to improve on your own or take the shortcut to success.
That’s where the Online Soccer Academy comes in – all of my best ideas, training methods, and shortcuts to success inside.
1000s of players have already completed this and seen amazing results, you can do the same…
Short Cut Your Success – Sign up here
Whether you decide to train with me or not, transform yourself. Eliminate your weaknesses, enhance your strengths, overcome obstacles, and break through your self-limiting beliefs.
Stop worrying about other people’s opinions and follow your gut because living without regret is the best thing in life.
– Coach Dylan (Progressive Soccer)
Want to achieve more and improve faster than ever before? The shortcut is right here – start using the online soccer academy today

Wishing You Success In Soccer
Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer
Thank you for reading this article:
How to succeed in soccer (why 80% of players fail)