maximize results with healthy eating habits


improve energy, recovery, and performance

Nutrition isn't a one-size-fits-all game. We all have different tastes, live in different places, and manage different budgets. This is why I dislike nutrition plans; and prefer to focus on nutrition principles.

Tailor these proven principles to create a practical personal plan that works for you. Different people thrive on different foods, so you must learn to listen to your body and eat according to you.

Getting leaner and lighter will boosts performance, improves speed & stamina, and lowers injury risks. If you are looking to gain muscle do it without unnecessary bulking – you don't want to carry extra weight when playing soccer (it slows you down and increase chance of injury).

Most soccer players need to focus on losing weight rather than building muscle. However, if you want to achieve either - it cannot be done simply by training. It will require an understanding of nutrition.


With these idea in mind. Here are proven nutrition principles that anyone can follow to lose weight, build muscle, and increase energy.


1. Weigh yourself every morning.

The simple routine will make you more conscious of what you are eating. This information will help you make adjustments to the amount and types of foods you are consuming. It also boosts motivation to stick with your nutrition.

2. Focus on Hydration first. 

Drinking more water is going to help your body operate more efficiently, improve energy, reduce soreness, and simply make you feel better. Let this habit be your nutritional foundation.

3. Condense your eating window. 

Shorten your daily eating window. Instead of eating from morning to night (7 am - 11 pm), try a more focused timeframe like 10 am - 7 pm. This minimizes overeating, enhances digestion and fat burning, and boosts sleep quality (avoiding late-night meals).

4. Eat Real Food (not all food is real). 

Stick to real food that comes from the earth. Skip the factory-made, boxed or canned stuff. The aim is to get loads of nutrition with fewer calories. Real food lets you eat more (low calorie, high nutrition). Fake food means over eating (high calorie, low nutrition).

4. Each balanced meals of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

There are many different types of diets that adjust macronutrient ratios. You'll have to find what ratio works best for you overtime. However, it's a good idea to always have some type of protein, good carbohydrate, and healthy fat on your plate.

6. Chew your food Consciously.

It might seem obvious, but many of us struggle with how to eat. Take your time with your meals. Focus on properly chewing your food – it boosts nutrient absorption, prevents poor digestion, and avoids unnecessary overeating due to eating too fast.

6. Eat Light Before Games.

Don't fall for the idea of loading up on carbs right before playing – it can make you feel slow and heavy. Larger meals farther from the game work better. Instead, opt for light, easily digestible options like fruit, nuts, and juices before playing. 

7. Create Your Ideal Eating Day.

Everyone is different. That's why it's important for you to create your own plan with healthy foods that you look forward to eating everyday. What does your ideal day of nutrition look like?

8. Can you Have cheat Meals?

You have the freedom to choose. Your life isn't strictly bound by these principles, but now that you know how to manage your weight and well-being, be honest with yourself. If you decide to indulge, do it smartly to avoid undoing your hard work and discipline. A day of unhealthy choices can erase weeks of progress – that's the truth about excess calories.

While I'm not a fan of generic nutrition plans, here's an example of a 7 day nutrition plan that might spark ideas when you're creating your own.

Your nutrition should always be evolving. If you're still eating the same as 5 years ago, you probably haven't learned anything new. While I wouldn't expect you to adopt my personal nutrition plan, checking out what I eat daily could offer some ideas.

final thoughts on nutrition

After years of studying nutrition and trying different diets, I've found there are numerous ways to get into great shape. The key is finding a nutrition plan you can stick with. Follow the proven principles I've shared above and when in doubt about your nutrition ask yourself these important questions:

Am I getting into better shape? 
Am I leaner and lighter?
Do I have more muscle on my body?
Is my energy getting better?
Do I feel good? 

These are the key indicators of good nutrition. Don't stress about specific diets or exact macros others follow. Focus on creating your own meal plan with healthy foods you enjoy. Create a way of eating food that tastes great but still makes you feel good, gives you energy, and helps you achieve weight goals.

Proper nutrition is the key to unlocking your body's true potential.

Wishing You Success In Soccer
Coach Dylan