What Skills Do You Need To Play Soccer?

If you’re just starting to play soccer and you are wondering what skills are needed to play soccer effectively – you’re already on the right track.

Success in this game is all about your desire to improve. Luckily, you can improve all of your soccer skills and understanding which skills to focus on is a great start.

Here is a list of the primary skills needed to play soccer:

  1. Dribbling
  2. Ball Control
  3. Passing
  4. First Touch
  5. Shooting
  6. Heading
  7. Tackling
skills needed to play soccer

If you’d like to go deeper into the skills needed to play soccer. I will explain how you can start to improve each of these skill categories by yourself, without a teammate, or any fancy equipment.

Before we go into each of these 6 skills to play soccer more effectively – I want you to make a commitment from the very beginning to always practice these soccer skills with BOTH FEET.

So many players slow down their development drastically by only practicing with their stronger foot from the start of their playing career. If you are new to soccer, start practicing with both feet from the very beginning. You will thank yourself for this in the future.

Improving 7 Skills To Play Soccer More Effectively

  1. Dribbling – focus on keeping close control of the ball. You can practice dribbling in a straight line and gradually increase the speed. Next focus on turning (change of direction). This will require you to develop a lower center of gravity. Once you have the basics of dribbling forward and turning you can start to focus on 1v1 skill moves. Simple tricks to get past defenders in tight spaces.
  2. Ball Control – this would refer to your ability to control the ball out of the air. Juggling or “keep-ups” is the best way to improve this skill. You can also practice aerial control. Kicking the ball high up into the air and controlling it as it comes down with different parts of the body.
  3. Passing – the most important skill in soccer. If you want to improve your passing skills by yourself. Using a wall is the best way to practice your passing skills. Use the inside and outside of the foot. Focus on develop strength, flush contact, and accuracy (don’t just kick the ball at the wall; pick a specific spot and try to hit it).
  4. First Touch – your ability to receive passes and get the ball under control quickly. While you are practicing your passing against the wall, you will be able to improve your first touch at the same time. Focus on getting the ball out of your feet enough that you can quickly make a pass but not so far that you would lose possession to an opponent.
  5. Shooting – ball striking, scoring goals, improving shooting power & accuracy. Again the wall is your best friend because you are can get 100x more repetitions against a wall as compared to kicking a ball into an empty net. Focus on flexing your foot but also your entire leg. Making it stiff and strong. Get your body over the ball. And send your follow through towards your target.
  6. Heading – using your head to move the ball. You can practice juggling with your head only. Pushing the ball straight up into the air and seeing how many consecutive headers you can do. You can also use a wall. Start by throwing the ball against the wall with an upward trajectory. As the ball comes back to you in the air use your head to pass the ball back to the wall.

Hopefully this gives you a better understand of what skills you need to be a soccer player.

skills soccer players need

However, keep in mind that there is more to become a great soccer player than just technical skills.

What other skills do you need for soccer?

I won’t go into depth within this post but become aware of these other skills needed to play soccer at a higher level.

  1. Athleticism (speed, stamina, strength, etc)
  2. Mental toughness (confidence, resilience, discipline, etc.)
  3. Tactical understanding (decision making, positioning, reading the play, etc.)

You now have a better understanding of which skills soccer players need. Now it’s time to put these ideas into practice. You won’t develop skills by reading an article. Knowledge is only power when it’s put into action!

If you found this information helpful…

And would like to take the next step towards becoming a better soccer player, download the pre-match success guide and fill out your application for The Online Soccer Academy.

Coach Dylan
Progressive Soccer

If you’re nervous about your next game / practice you might benefit from the “prematch success guide” – 10 principles to eliminate nerves and improve the quality of your game day performances.

If you want to develop the skills necessary to earn your starting position, become the “go-to” player during, and dominate your opponents every match day click this link – online soccer academy

Thank you for reading this article: What makes a good soccer player?

Dylan Tooby

Success should not be judged based on what you achieve but by what you help others achieve. Hopefully, this information will help you. Thank you for reading. Please, leave a comment.